The first few weeks of parenthood can be exhausting, especially when sleep is irregular and not guaranteed. Newborn babies on average sleep 16-18 hours out of 24, however, this varies largely dependent on little one and is spread out over day and night. Sleeping is closely related to feeding, which happens every 2-3 hours, so you can generally expect for them to become drowsy approximately every 1 and a half - 2 hours. Although there are all these numbers, the most important thing to remember is to go with the flow & just relax when they are asleep.
You won’t necessarily be able to establish a consistent sleep routine, but following certain steps will mean you can create something close to that. Experts advise that you shouldn’t force sleep upon baby, but you can definitely soothe them in ways that help them to gently drift off and stay asleep for longer. Leaving you with some time to sleep yourself, do the household chores or simply have a little time for you.