Inspiring Lives 01: Why MORI is making a difference

We recently spoke to working mother Arianna Langford about how she brings up a household of unruly boys, and why she feels MORI make a difference to the essential babywear market.
Since leaving her Sicilian homeland 17 years ago in search of a degree in architecture, advertising director Arianna Langford has never looked back. Initially falling in love with the energy and creativity that exists in London, Arianna has since found love with husband and director of Kinetica Art Fair , Tony Langford.
A perfect choice to be MORI Ambassadors, this creative power couple has two beautiful sons, Matteo (4) and Alberto (2). We sat down with Arianna to find out what life’s been like with a house full of boys.
Arianna describes her childhood in a lovely seaside city called Siracusa as being full of Greek history and sunshine. On the differences between raising children in Italy and the UK, Arianna feels Italy is more refreshingly relaxed and laid back where “routines often are forgotten”.
“The market’s dictated by an industry where stereotypes still exist– notably the dominance of pink in shops”
Keeping the children occupied must be a high priority when running a house full of boys! No easy task, Arianna admits to keeping a calendar in the kitchen and writing everything down to avoid disaster. She also swears by a long-term to-do list, rather than a weekly one: “I’m already thinking about Christmas, so top of my list is booking things like ice-skating and Christmas grottos”.
As talk turns to Christmas and presents, Arianna recalls the best and worst presents the family has received for the children. “My favourite present has to be a piano that Matteo was given at his christening. It’s actually a grown-up piano, but in children’s size so it’s really cute”. The least favourite is a t-shirt that Alberto was given when he was just over one-year-old with a gun printed on it. Of this she muses; “I’m a bit rock ‘n’ roll, but that was probably a bit tasteless!”.It’s no small wonder that parents like Arianna and Tony receive a mixture of good and bad presents when “the market’s dictated by an industry that’s quite bland” and “stereotypes” still exist– notably the “dominance of pink in shops” which Arianna admits to finding “quite shocking”.
“Motherhood has made me a less selfish person”
On the family’s wish-list this year is good quality clothes. With quality and longevity the two key factors when shopping for clothes, Arianna would love to find both in one label but “it just doesn’t happen that often”.
“I think longevity and price per wear is totally ignored in the current market. If I don’t buy good quality clothes that will last 40 washes, which is nothing really considering how often you have to wash clothes. I have to buy designer clothes, which are very expensive.” Thankfully for Arianna and Tony, MORI fills the gap in the market and meets their needs with its “soft, cute and quality clothing”.
Describing the experience of learning to look after her boys as “refreshing and beautiful” Arianna’s favourite part of being a mum is “probably the fact it made me a less selfish person”. It’s this dedication to her family that embodies the meaning of unconditional love, and mirrors MORI’s brand values.
Arianna mentioned that her favourite outfit from our collection, is the MORI sleepsuit for it's timeless and classic design.
Thank you Arianna, Matteo and Alberto for such an enjoyable day
– MORI team
Photography: Lucy Birkhead. Videography: HOP Productions