What does Fatherhood really mean?

Fatherhood will shake up a world and redefine love, which is why it's one of the most magical aspects to a man's life. We spoke to some of the Dads from our MORI Family about what Fatherhood means to them, and their top tips to survive parenthood.

dad with daughters in shower bath timeBrett Hooker @fifo.dad
"Fatherhood is the greatest challenge I’ve faced but the best gift ever by far. I wake up every day excited to see their faces or hear their voices! Just a smile from my girls or hearing they little voices just makes my day feel full, complete and better. Life really changes when you have kids and they become your priority, it doesn’t centre around you anymore, it’s all about your family and what’s best for them. Fatherhood has changed everything in my life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything." 

Top tip for new dads:
"My top tip would be, every child/baby is different, don’t sweat the small stuff and don’t expect one day to be the same as the next! One day they can be a saint sleeping for hours at a time, next they could be screaming non stop! But always remember “You’ve got this”!" 

dad and child in garden kissingConor @dadsanddonts
"Becoming a father is the best thing that has happened to me, it has made me a better person in so many ways and also given me a responsibility to shape them to be the best people they can be."

Top tip for new dads:
"My top tip is to have set time whereit'ss just you and the kids. Mine is breakfast every day which I do and give my partner a lie in before going to work."

dad to be with baby clothes and scanGiles Alexander @youthedaddy 
"As we prepare for Baby No.2 in November, two top tips spring to mind for life with a newborn…Firstly, make sure they’re wearing enough clothes! Tiny babies can’t regulate their temperature so it’s up to you to make sure they’re warm and toastie. As a general rule of thumb, they should be wearing one more layer than you at all times. Because of this, long sleeve baby grows are definitely better than vests (unless there’s a massive heat wave!).

And secondly…swaddle, swaddle, SWADDLE! Lots of babies naturally put their arms up by their heads when they sleep, but everything I’ve read says that this actually hampers their sleeping patterns (as flailing arms just end up waking them up). We religiously swaddled our firstborn Teddy, and by three month’s old he was sleeping through the night. I genuinely believe swaddling played a big part in this."

dad with daughter on his shouldersJustin @alldadstalk
Top tips for all new dads:
"1. Dads are not the backup parents nor are they babysitters. So take on full responsibilities as parent ;)
2. Don’t fear traveling with newborns, it’s not as hard as they say. They sleep most of the time anyway ;)
3. Speak to them continuously, sing to them, ever since they are inside their mums’ womb. They will recognise your voice and the chances are they calm down faster when they hear it (that’s my experience at least - twice)
4. Work on routines with your children. Kids’ brains looove repeating patterns. You’ll thank me later ;)"

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