Inspiring Stories: Life of Mummies
First-time mothers Holly and Sophie, also known as Life of Mummies, have been documenting their journey into motherhood and representing the very real aspects of everyday parenting life. We wanted to speak with them about what female means to them and how it helps them raise their children.

Holly: I have always been a bit of a feminist at heart, so female empowerment is something I am always advocating. Women didn’t fight for their rights for nothing, and the strength of a woman is undeniable. Women carry children, give birth, raise families, hold down careers and keep their house a happy home and have the capability to do 100 things at once, yet always somehow, put themselves last and most upsettingly, down. Women can be each other’s best friends or worst enemies, so when it comes to female empowerment, I love nothing more than being vocal when it comes to empowering each other and only ever bringing the best out of one and other as women. We need to be kinder to ourselves and remind ourselves that without women living in this world, it would be a pretty dull and less colourful place!

Holly: Even now, I tell Delilah every day how kind, beautiful and smart she is and I will continue to do so for as long as I need. I will always make sure she knows that no matter what she does in life and where she goes, she must never let anyone bring her down or make her feel less of herself, or that she can’t achieve what she wishes to achieve. I will tell her that being a woman is a very powerful thing, and to always carry confidence and self-worth with her through her life and through any relationships she encounters. I will tell her to always respect herself as a woman, and to respect other women around her.
Sophie: I have a son and I want him to grow up knowing how incredible women are, and to respect them wholeheartedly. My husband respects his mother so much and it’s amazing to see, I would like him to have the same values growing up.