Inspiring Dads: A Look At What Fatherhood Means

Stories shared by inspiring, interesting and loveable dads from around the world this Father’s Day.
This Father’s Day we spoke to Dads from different backgrounds and different places to find out what being a dad means to them. Here are our favourites…
Father's Day
MORI Mountain Throw | MORI Envelope Neck Opening Bodysuit (Long Sleeved)
We fell in love with @thesematters Instagram feed, so we're very excited
to hear her husband, Midas, reflect on his life as a father.
“Being a father is definitely a different experience than being a mother. From the very beginning, when our daughter was just born, my emotions around her were like an explosion. However, observing my wife in her “mom” role, I saw that the realization that I am a Dad came to me much slower, bit by bit. First, you get used to practical issues like being afraid to damage her tiny fingers when dressing her up. I remember telling my wife that my biggest fear regarding the baby was not to hit her head against the door frame. Slowly the selfless love to this charming little human, as deep as I could never have imagined before, has taken over my heart, and our girl responded to it. I started admiring the wonder that such a beautiful creation exists due to the two of us. The dearest moments to me are those when she clings on to me and searches for comfort in my arms. The best morning is when I see her waking up smiling and laughing to us, this way I know there is another great day full of new discoveries ahead of us.” See it on InstagramJonathan and Bretton (@johnnybeach, @brettonhimes) from Michigan share their inspiring story of becoming dads to gorgeous Kai born May 29, 2015.
“We adopted him and have been with him since the day he was born. He is our world <3. You never understand the full picture of being a parent until you are one yourself, that’s for sure. There are so many new emotions to experience. It really has been the best thing ever since he came into our lives. We would do anything for him.
We have only had one Father’s Day with Kai, and that was last year when he was about two weeks old. But we definitely see Father’s Day as a day to appreciate and be thankful for what it means to be a Father. It is a day to reflect on your child and how you want to be a good role model for him and always support and guide him through life. Its also a time to reflect on how we became Fathers, and be proud that we were able to do so. The adoption process was a lot to go through for many reasons, but we did it. And we are so thankful for Kai’s birth mother. We adore her and still keep in contact with her. We have a special love for her. So I guess before I keep rambling on (lol), Father’s day gives us a lot to think about and be thankful for :)" See it on Instagram
MORI T-shirt + Leggings | MORI Envelope Neck Opening Body Suit (Short Sleeved) + Yoga Pants
Meet Craig (@craigowilliams). A photographer from Essex, UK. He’s dad to Marcie and twin boys Bodhi and Rowe, and wife to Kate.
“Everyday is crazy. We became a family of 5 in less than two years because we wanted Marcie to have a brother or sister. It’s a challenge but I think we’ve learnt to balance giving the attention that is needed to a crazy 2 year old and feeding and looking after the T-UNIT. A lot of people think we are nuts for having children so close together but it was our dream to have children close in age growing up together and it’s worth the exciting challenges that come with it. My wife and I are photographers at and we photograph weddings and families all the time, which inspired us to start a family. We feel like the luckiest parents alive.
As I type this I’m bouncing the twins in their seats while helping Marcie with a puzzle. P.S. Bodhi is not a fan of the Camera.” See it on Instagram
MORI Envelope Neck Opening Body Suit (Long Sleeved) + LeggingsWe’re not sure what we love more. Ben’s impressive baby balancing skills in this photo, or his thoughtful reflections on becoming a Father… Thanks to the lovely @hannah.straughan for sharing this with us. Ben and Hannah are from York, UK.
“Being a father is to be a provider, a protector, a teacher and a friend through adversity, without expecting anything in return; but the most important thing that a father can do for their children is to love their mother, as this is the basis of their whole understanding of relationships in life. Children are led by example and if you bring them up surrounded by a secure loving parent partnership, this is the greatest gift you can give them in life.” See it on Instagram
We believe in living simply and sustainably, which was why we are so excited to introduce ‘Dadpreneur’ Blake Smith – CEO of (a personal guide to living a bigger life with a smaller wardrobe). He’s also a father to three little ones aged: 4, 2, and 11 months.
“Being a father and an entrepreneur went hand-in-hand for me. When my son was born my priorities shifted really fast. It made me hyper aggressive and focused on crafting a world where I could integrate my family and work life together. At the time I was working in finance, which had very little room for family to play a part. Once he was born I just wanted to figure out a way to bring him into my world – and entrepreneurship has been a great vehicle for that. He comes to work with me one day a week, he knows everybody that I work with, and is even travelling with our whole family out to SF for the summer. My goal for my kids is by the time they graduate high school, they’ve learned how to pitch, create, or maybe even started their own business alongside me. In a competitive global economy I think there is very little that compares with experiences like that in your formative years.” See it on InstagramIf you haven’t had a look at the hilarity of Simon Hooper’s Instagram channel @father_of_daughters, it’s about time you did.
Seeing as he lives with four young girls and a wife, I’m surprised he had a chance to speak to us – but we are glad he did. The photo speaks for itself really…
“I am literally surrounded by women – 4 girls (including identical twins) and a wonderful wife @mother_of_daughters. Emotions run high in our house and the noise level is giving me tinnitus but I won’t have it any other way. I am now a master of plaits, top knots, nail painting and facilitating conflict resolution between girls. I even know what’s hot in women’s fashion – I never saw my life ending up like this but I love it!” See it on Instagram
If you have an inspiring story to tell as a Dad yourself, or your partner does - head over to @babymoriofficial to let us know!