The truth of becoming a new mum is; what you receive from friends and family might be delicately wrapped and beautiful looking, but it’s not practical, it’s not needed and it certainly isn’t helping any mother through the sleep-deprived tears at 3am. For that reason, it’s time that new mums are given gifts that are truly useful for becoming a new parent and will genuinely make a difference to their exciting yet slightly overwhelming new adventure.
Instead of simply looking through parenting books and compiling a list of new mum gifts that seem useful, we asked experienced parents from across the globe what would or did pull them through those never-ending cluster feeds and sleepy afternoons.
clothing for baby
New parents will spend a large majority of their time trying to get baby to sleep, and also changing baby’s nappy. Both are two inescapable facts of parenting, and often tiring for a new mum as it can seem continuous. You might want to gift a new parent baby clothes that look adorable, but the truth is parents want something that encourages sleep and also makes changing (during both day and night) as quick and easy as possible. Baby sleepsuits made from organic materials are often softer on a baby’s delicate skin and also help them regulate their temperature and prevent them from feeling uncomfortable during the night.
When buying sleepsuits, opt for baby zip sleepsuits or just a couple of poppers at the crotch area for quick access during the night changes.
baby sling
Pushing around a pushchair seems easy enough in theory, but in practice can be a little more difficult. Living in the city as a new mother is both amazing and terrifying at the same time; exploring with little one is special but trying to clamber onto tubes with a pushchair can be a nightmare on your own. The sling won’t be advisable for mothers who have had a C-Section, so take note of this, but for those who haven’t and have recovered, a baby sling is a practical way to get out of the house and not have to juggle the city with a heap of plastic. Slings are now available in different colours and patterns to match a new mum’s personality and style. You could even get one to coordinate with a baby romper or muslin if you were feeling super trendy.