Mums 12 Must Have Baby Gifts

If you know someone, or are yourself, expecting a new baby arrival in the next few months, it’s the perfect time to start gifting items that are really needed for little one. They might not be the most glamorous of gifts, but they will be loved as they’re what is really needed and useful for entering parenthood. Here are just a few ideas on what you could gift a new mother this season…
1) Nursing Pillow
Before you start, no-one really goes into detail about how much hard-work it can be breastfeeding. The hours are tiresome and the nipples are sore, so it makes sense to try and make a new mum as comfortable as possible. A nursing pillow is a great way to help alleviate some of the discomfort and make things a little easier.
2) Bottles
For those who are formula feeding, an abundance of bottles are going to be needed, and not just a few from the same brand. Babies often don’t like the feeling of the teat in their mouth, and it can take a few different types of teat before one is found that works for little one. Some great brands like Haberman, Tomee Tipee and Vital Baby craft special nipple shaped bottle tops that help baby to latch successfully.
3) Bodysuits
The little black dress of the baby world; bodysuits can be used underneath the majority of clothing so are great for both warmer months and cooler months as a base layer. Bodysuits come in many different styles including envelope neck and kimono style - the envelope neck is great for comfort under other clothing or swaddles/sleeping bags and the kimono style is great for newborns as you can dress them whilst they are laying on their back.
4) Nappies
This one is quite self-explanatory… There’s no surprise that babies will need multiple nappy changes through the day, and that means a lot of nappies are going to be needed. It may not seem like something you would like to gift, but a new mum will really appreciate a bundle of nappies to make sure she has enough during those poonami moments.
5) Sleeping Bags and Swaddle Bags
Even before a little one is born, everyone hears the horror stories about how they just don’t sleep. Although you can’t give the gift of sleep, you can give something that will help to encourage a good night’s sleep. For babies aged newborn - 3months a swaddle bag is an easy way to help a baby feel secured and soothed, which helps them to sleep. If you’re looking for something more long-term, you could opt for a sleeping bag, which is the safest way (babies can’t sleep with loose blankets) to keep a little one warm throughout the night.
6) White noise machine
Every parent will vouch that white noise is a sound made by the heavens. Babies seem to find this static noise similar to a lullaby that miraculously helps to calm them, and many mums also say it helps them to sleep better too. One of the most popular machines on the market is Ewan the Dream Sheep, which can be purchased online.
7) Nappy bag for travelling
Leaving the house with a young baby is one of the biggest challenges as a new mum; planning to leave the house at 8am could actually result in leaving the house around 10.30am. Something that is needed when a parent does finally leave the house is a nappy bag. Traditionally they were very un-stylish and left a lot to be desired, but thanks for brands like Seraphine, Jem + Bea and Laessig, mums can now have a nappy bag that is useful for carrying everything needed for an on-the-go nappy change and still keep up with the latest fashion trends.8) Snot sucker
Another glamorous gift idea - a snot sucker! Unfortunately for little ones, they are unable to understand how to blow their nose, which results in a big problem; how do you unblock their nose? Many people believe in sucking it out with your mouth, but this just isn’t something everyone wants to do. Two of our favourite brands are the NoseFrida and the Nosiboo.
9) Bouncer
Even trying to have a cup of coffee with a newborn can seem impossible when they need attention and stimulation. Bouncers can be used to keep baby happy and content for a little while so a new mum can drink her coffee or even just sit down and relax for a few minutes. The BabyBjorn bouncer is easy to use with movement coming from rocking it with your foot, or baby kicking their legs about. It’s light-weight and compact, meaning it can be used when moving around. If you’re also looking for something sleek and stylish the Nuna Leaf Curv is beautifully designed, and sways little one instead of rocking, which helps baby to feel calm as it mimics the sensation when rocked in the arms of their parent.
10) Hooded Towels
Understanding why a baby needs a hood on their towel is important; little ones cannot regulate their temperature like adults do, and therefore lose a lot of heat from their head after a bath. Due to this they will get cold very quickly and begin to feel very agitated. With a soft and cosy hooded towel, baby won’t lose heat quickly and can be dried all over, ready to get into their pjs for a good night’s rest.