Having a baby changes your body, that's undeniable, but it's always for the better. That body has grown and created a new human life - it's to be celebrated! Regardless, sometimes it's all too easy to not feel confident about yourself whilst running on barely any sleep, and having a constant human attached to you. Fashion editor and mother from The Mothershop, Anna Woodham, gives you her quick tips on dressing like a mum.
How To Dress Like a Mum with Fashion Stylist Anna Woodham

Who’d have thought so much could change in 9 months? Your body has developed these superhuman powers with the ability to grow the most amazing, precious person inside of you, so there’s little surprise in that very same body changing; in shape, in size, in feel (Mum-tum sound familiar anyone?). But it’s important to remember, that in many ways nothing changes, you’re still the same person you always were, you still want to dress the same, look good and most importantly feel good.
We’ve all been there, looking in the mirror in bewilderment thinking ‘ Is that really me?’. Whether it’s trebling in size by the third trimester or looking at your new-found figure post-baby, whichever stage you’re at, you find yourself suddenly thrown into a wardrobe war zone. Nothing fits, nothing looks good and the familiar ‘I have nothing to wear’ saying has been said more dramatically than a toddler in full blown meltdown.
When I was pregnant, I remember naively wishing the last few weeks of my pregnancy away, not just because I was a fortnight overdue and wanted to meet this stubborn little person holding up proceedings, but because I couldn’t wait to get back into my non-maternity wardrobe. How. Wrong. Was. I. My maternity jeans were still very much a wardrobe staple for a good few months post birth, and because I was feeding, suddenly all my old tops were completely redundant. I was adamant my style was not going to change though. Just because I was a Mum didn’t mean I suddenly needed to dress any differently? Of course, if you’re breastfeeding there’s the logistics of getting baby to boob (and quickly!) but by finding a few brands you like and also wearing non-maternity maternity, it is possible to stay true to you.
Here are my top tips for dressing as a Mum:
1) Get dressed. It sounds ridiculous but it’s all too easy to get into the habit of just throwing on a t-shirt and jeans, especially when your brain is frazzled from lack of sleep. Spend an hour on a Sunday evening putting together a few outfits you like for the week, arrange them styled up in your wardrobe. That way, you don’t need to think about mixing and matching each morning. Getting dressed will take seconds – time-saving tricks become invaluable with a newborn.
2) All in the detail. The smallest detail can make the biggest difference; a red lipstick, some statement earrings, a pair of embellished shoes. They make you look like you’ve made an effort when actually it took seconds.
3) Under cover. Invest in nice underwear. Firstly, if you’re wearing pretty undies you will undoubtedly feel better about yourself. Secondly, the right fitting bra can make all the difference in how you look overall.
4) All in one. No, I’m not talking onesies. Get involved in as many jumpsuits, dresses, and dungarees as you can. They’re a godsend when it comes to Mum dressing. Just throw it on and job done - you’re good to go!
5) Shirting the issue. A shirt instantly makes your look well put together and obviously is the ideal item for feeding in. Worn with jeans or a pair of cropped tailored trousers and loafers, you’re winning every step of the way.
*Images: Jumpsuit from Miss Selfridge £45 / Heidi Klum Intimates 'Zoe' Maternity Bra £38 / White Shirt from Zara £25.99
What items or outfits make you feel confident? Let us know in the comments below! You can check out Anna's blog for more fashion tips.
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