How To Care For Your MORI Muslin

Pop them in the washing machine and choose your normal setting (nothing fancy to see here). Blush, blue & light grey like a cold temperature but whites prefer things a little hotter. Easier than you thought, right?
As easy as machine washing, all you’ll need is a bowl of warm water – use your hands to gently scrub the muslin & then leave to soak for one hour. If your water becomes coloured, don’t stress, this is normal. Then just dry as advised, simple!
This really depends on what you’re using them for and how often. As a rough guide, you should wash them after every use, especially if they’ve got some spillages on them.
We always suggest the natural approach by hanging them out & letting the wind do the rest, but sometimes you need muslin swaddles a little quicker. If needs must, then use the tumble dryer but on a very low heat to keep the blankets feeling fresh.
There’s no escaping stains when using a swaddle blanket. If you really need to use a product go for chlorine-free bleach, however, there are natural stain removers out there or you can try creating your own with white wine vinegar, lemon, baking soda, natural soap & sunshine.
Baby needs to be comfortable & so do you, so it’s important to keep muslin blankets soft, safe and in the best condition possible. When washing avoid detergent, fabric softeners and bleach as they can damage the natural fibres of cotton. Avoid washing with items that have zippers or velcro as they can catch and pull apart the delicately woven muslin.WHEN TO REPLACE
Like we said, they can almost last a lifetime, but with regular wear & tear you will need to replace them now and again. Around about every 6 months is a good time to replace, but again, you’ll be the best judge of how they’re looking.