Five Innovative Ways to Create an Unforgettable Mother's Day

Looking for a different way to celebrate Mother's Day? Han-Son from Daddilife gives his five most innovative ways to show her how much you and the little ones care.
Mother's Day is just around the corner and once again, we are all given an opportunity to show this amazing woman how much we really appreciate all that she does. However, we also need to do away with thinking of the day like another event with all the stereotypes associated with this celebration. While traditional activities such as eating out at a fancy restaurant or a day at the spa are well and good, they are often unable to capture the essence of Mothers Day (and the woman herself). Although the intentions are sincere, the fact of the matter is that such ideas can a bit outdated and generic. How can fathers and their children celebrate mum as opposed to simply offering up "cookie cutter" ideas that might not portray her true essence? Let's take a look at five alternatives which will put a smile on her face while not placing a strain on your budget either.
Thinking Outside of the Box
1. A Family-Based Adventure
What better way to illustrate the role that a mother plays than by involving her in a fun and family-oriented adventure? There are many locations which are able to cater to this idea. From solving a fictional crime to escaping a room within a certain amount of time by solving puzzles, the possibilities are nearly endless. Not only will the entire family have a great deal of fun, but these adventures will clearly illustrate that mum plays a critical role in every activity. A family that plays together, stays together!
2. Creating Memories
One of the issues with a "spa day" or pampering mum is that there will be little to show after the actual event is over. This is why it could be an excellent idea for the entire family to create something together. You don’t necessarily need to building a conservatory. Fun and lightweight projects are just as good to capture the emotions of the day. For example, what if the family could collect the seeds of mum’s favourite flower and create a small patch within the back garden. Each member can then plant these seeds; ensuring that every spring will once again remind her of this special day. You could even involve the kids in some craft ideas; purchase a large piece of paper and some non-toxic paint. Dads and children can then press their hands and feet onto this paper; labelling their marks as well as the date. This family art is sure to leave a lasting "impression".
3. A Home-Based Holiday Abroad
A trip to Paris or Rome would certainly be a treat on Mother's Day! Unfortunately, most of us don’t have the time or money to plan such an excursion at short notice. So why not bring one of these cities to your home instead? A theme-based Mother's Day is a great way to bring the whole family together without having to worry about stress, plane tickets or traffic delays. You could adorn your dining room with a few images of Paris and head off to the local store to purchase croissants, cheese and some French bread. Playing classical French songs and teaching the children how to say "Happy Mother's Day" in French (Bonne fête des mères) will certainly put a smile on her face. The same holds true for any of her other favourite travel destinations.
4. Family Comic Strips
While all families encounter stress from time to time, it is always important to see the lighter side of life. Get mum and the kids together in order to create a comic strip. Each member can think of a funny event that had occurred during the past year which was related to mum. He or she can then describe these circumstances within comic-based "bubbles". Older family members can help younger children with any illustrations and the different strips can be taped together (or framed). If this tradition is performed every year, you might eventually able to create a scrapbook!
5. "This is Your Life"
Try a family-oriented take on this popular game show. As Mother's Day approaches, gather together special objects from her past and her present. You might even wish to contact family members and childhood close friends to discover whether they can surprise her in person or over a webcam. Present her with these memories and explain how they have made her the amazing woman that she is today. A few tears might be shed along the way, but they will certainly be tears of joy and surprise!
Mother's Day is far more than an "event". It is meant to capture the essence of this female superhero in a memorable and touching manner. If you have been searching for ways to create truly unforgettable family memories, hopefully these can help you create a truly special day for mum.
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