4 Ways to Child-Proof Your Garden

Think your garden needs making a bit more child-friendly, but don’t know where to start? Don’t fret! Online Horticultural Expert, Nicky Roeber is here to explain how you can keep your kids safe while in the garden.
With summer in full-swing, there’s no doubt that the kids will be spending more time outside in the garden. And while you’re likely to have already taken the blindingly obvious measures to child-proof your outdoor space, there are some things that you might not have considered.
But, don’t let this curb your kid’s enthusiasm; with my tips you can keep the kids safe while at play in the garden all-year-round. Read on to find out more.
- Designate a certain area
Giving them their own special area of the garden, won’t only contain the mess to one area, but it’ll also make them feel special for having their own adult-free zone. Whether you choose to do this in the form of a sandpit, a Wendy house or a mini teepee tent, they’re bound to love the freedom and independence they get — just ensure the area you choose is in clear view for you to supervise their play.
- Avoid toxic plants
Although it might seem obvious, there are some plants which you might not have considered to be toxic. Although lilies and oleander look pretty, they pose a hazard to your children if they’re ingested. So, it’s a necessity that you familiarise yourself with potentially dangerous plants and flowers. which plants and flowers could be dangerous.
If you don’t want to remove well-established plants, using preventative measures like chicken wire or fencing will ensure they’re kept out of reach from your kids. After all, out of sight is out of mind for kids’ curious brains!
- Think about hard surfaces
Many gardens will feature either stone patios or wooden decking, however, these can be fall and trip hazards for your kids, so they’ll need to be adjusted for safety. If the patio takes up a large chunk of your garden, it’s worth putting their play zone as far away as possible from it. And, when they do eventually come over to join you, laying down large blankets, pillows or beanbags will give them a soft landing should any falls occur.
If you’re considering getting decking in your garden, ensure it’s an anti-slip one to reduce the chance of injury while maintaining a sleek appearance.
- Check the fences and gates
Kids love discovering the unknown, so an open gate or holey fence can be any parent’s nightmare. Although you’ll have probably installed protective measures already, it’s important that you regularly check these for anything that needs replacing or fixing. This will put your mind at ease and allow you to act quickly should you see anything potentially dangerous or tempting to your kids.
Making your garden child-friendly doesn’t have to be overly complicated. With my tips and tricks, you can make small changes to ensure your outdoor space is suitable for the whole family.
Nicky Roeber is the Online Horticultural Expert at Wyevale Garden Centres. Regularly advising on all things garden, Nicky brings the pleasure of gardening to people of all ages and abilities. For more gardening tips and tricks, follow Wyevale Garden Centres on Twitter and Facebook.