Top Tips to Keep Your Baby Safe on Fireworks Night

Watching the Fireworks spark away over the dark night sky seems like the perfect activity to bond with your loved ones, the artificial stardust just adds that magical touch to any celebration. Fireworks were designed for pure entertainment, nonetheless, keep in mind that their main component is gunpowder and they can be loud and cause a slight fluster to little ones — especially if they are not very familiar with the situation. For the sake of avoiding incidents and continuing with a pleasant evening, here are some mindful tips:

- Beware of the noise. Case studies of babies and children made by the World Health Organization, 2016, stated that “short high intensity sounds such as those from fireworks may cause permanent hearing loss.” It is recommended to avoid the use of earplugs, and instead provide your little one with earmuffs specifically designed to reduce the high levels of noise.
- Prepare them for the weather. During nighttime it is likely for the weather to get colder, little ones are not used to being outside during such hours of the night, therefore, it is better to prevent their bodies from losing heat. Make sure they are covered with proper clothes, including accessories like hats and mittens. At MORI we have some of the best quality winter clothes, made with organic materials to give the best comfort to your baby and keep them feeling cosy.
- Time and place. Crowds can be overwhelming, for both adults and babies. Try to find a spot separated from the sea of people. In case your baby is not having a good time, being near to an exit is very convenient, especially when it comes to avoiding your little one’s stress to escalate further.
- Keep your baby close. Whether your little one is in the hands of a trusted family member or a close friend, once the fireworks start it is important to be by their side. We can never be certain of the reaction of babies, and if it happens to be an unsettling one, mum is the first person the baby will be trying to find and to get comfort from.
- Sparklers. They are beautiful and seem harmless, people even put them on cakes, nonetheless the safety label on this product says kids under age 12 should not use them without being supervised. Once sparklers are lit, it’s easy to get burned by the residue that falls off, even worse is that this residue can get in the eyes of little ones. We must remember that babies are on the current development of every single motor skill, including the reflex of their eyelids, which makes them more vulnerable to anything that is in the air.

Having a special night with the people we love the most can be a little bit of a challenge for us mums, we have so much on our plates; making sure everyone is well and having fun. Which is why we want to help you keep your baby safe during this festive time. If you have tried any of these tips and they were useful to you, please let us know! We would love to know more about your experiences and personal stories over on Instagram @babymoriofficial or in the comments section below.