description Celebrate the power of love and friendship in the beautiful book We Are Together. Teaching little ones to realise that on their own they are special, but by joining up with others to make a strong team that they will be able to do anything. With vibrant artwork and peek-through pages, this is a picture book to treasure.

• Author & illustrator: Britta Teckentrup
• Pages: 32
delivery & returns
  • FREE delivery on orders over £65
  • See here for more information on delivery
  • See here for more information on returns

We Are Together Book

Sale price £5.99 Regular price £7.99 save 25%
description Celebrate the power of love and friendship in the beautiful book We Are Together. Teaching little ones to realise that on their own they are special, but by joining up with others to make a strong team that they will be able to do anything. With vibrant artwork and peek-through pages, this is a picture book to treasure.

• Author & illustrator: Britta Teckentrup
• Pages: 32
delivery & returns
  • FREE delivery on orders over £65
  • See here for more information on delivery
  • See here for more information on returns

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