
In a world where to-do lists are never-ending and you often feel overwhelmed, it's important to stop and take a breath. The 2 Minutes' Peace: Everyday Self-Care for Busy Lives Book written by psychotherapist Corinne Sweet, offers simple strategies to help you access the peace and quiet you crave.


• Author: Corinne Sweet
• Hardback

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2 Minutes' Peace: Everyday Self-Care for Busy Lives Book

Sale price £9.74 Regular price £12.99 save 25%

In a world where to-do lists are never-ending and you often feel overwhelmed, it's important to stop and take a breath. The 2 Minutes' Peace: Everyday Self-Care for Busy Lives Book written by psychotherapist Corinne Sweet, offers simple strategies to help you access the peace and quiet you crave.


• Author: Corinne Sweet
• Hardback

delivery & returns
  • FREE delivery on orders over £65
  • See here for more information on delivery
  • See here for more information on returns

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